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Becoming a partner of CERI means recruiting future employees...

Since its creation, CERI has built up a solid network of companies, mixing local SMEs with large national (and even international) groups. This network ensures a placement of 100% of its students on placement but also a growing increase in its apprenticeship and professionalization contracts in relation to the Work-linked Masters. Through this same network, CERI receives various job offers each year even before its students graduate.

These partnerships with companies are essential to maintain the quality of our training and provide companies with optimal recruitment.

These partnerships are further enhanced by the presence of the Avignon Computer Laboratory (LIA) whose research topics are of great interest to small and large companies, dedicated to Research and Development (R&D).

If you are a company and wish to become a CERI partner, please contact us...

Teachers and speakers from industry

CERI has part-time associate professors (PAST) who are involved in the teaching teams and in the teaching. These professors are, in the case of CERI, all professionals from industry, employees or managers of companies specialised in computer engineering.

In parallel, many lessons learned are provided by speakers from various companies, in order to reflect real-life practices as best as possible. A cycle of conferences A high-level training programme is also offered in the curriculum, in which many regional and national players take part, thus preparing students for the world of work.

More info:

Proposal for an internship / work-study / job offer :

Course leaders :

  • Sérigne Gueye (Resp.)
  • Mireille Rozier (Admin.)

Responsible for work experience :

  • Corinne Fredouille